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Dorian Yates – The Glutamine 300 g - 66 Servings

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Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the blood.Glutamine is essential in certain situations, including strenuous exercise, when the body can not meet its needs by synthesising glutamine.

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Dorian Yates – The Glutamine

The Glutamine is designed to replenish the body’s most abundant amino acid post-workout to enhance muscle tissue recovery. A fortified immune system is also paramount for a faster recovery. Combined with Beta-Glucan, L-Glutamine improves your body’s natural defence systems, strengthening its network of cells, supporting tissues, and organs that work together to protect the body. The end result is simple: train with higher intensity, more frequently, and recover more effectively than ever before — only when The Glutamine is part of your post-workout nutrition.

Key Benefits

  • 4500 mg L-Glutamine for Faster Tissue Recovery
  • 45 mg Beta-Glucan for a Fortified Immune System


Recovery is at the forefront of every athlete’s mind when it comes to striving to reach their potential. This is because the more frequently you can target a muscle group with full power, the faster you can restart the process of forcing the muscles to adapt to fresh stimuli. The limiting factor in this is Glutamine; you can’t train with intensity without replenishing the body’s most abundant amino acid. We’ve kept it simple and swift: Glutamine combined with a small amount of Beta-Glucan to boost the immune system, with no added flavors. If you’re training as hard as I want you to be, then 1 serving immediately post-workout should be mandatory — no excuses.


L-Glutamine is an amino acid naturally found in foods and produced by the body. Although, those 2 sources produce a small amount of Glutamine that is rapidly used after minimal physical exercise. L-Glutamine has been proven to aid in the muscle recovery after a workout and even decrease the soreness that might be present after an intense training session. L-Glutamine is used as a fuel source for immune cells, such as the white blood cells. Further enhancing the immune system.

Beta-Glucan is a soluble type of fiber which can be partially dissolved in liquids. Beta-Glucan boosts the immune system and heart health by increasing chemicals that prevent infections and by lowering cholesterol and triglycerides. Beta-Glucan also and acts as a blood sugar regulator.

The Glutamine is perfect for post-workout as well as on rest days, to speed up the recovery process.


Supplement Facts

Quantity: 300 g

Serving Size: 1 Scoop (4.5 g)

Servings Per Container: 66


By Serving

4500 mg
45 mg

Other Ingredients

100% L-Glutamine (free form Amino Scid), Bet-Glucan (from Yeast)

Recommended use

Drink 1 serving immediately after your workout.

Mix 1 scoop (~4,5g) of powder with 250 ml of cold water.


Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Supplements do not substitute a varied diet. A varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important. Keep out of reach of children under three years. Store in a cool, dry place at room temperature.